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Conditions of sale
How to buy:
To buy you can directly click the shopping cart which is located under the selected product, or on the button "buy" If you logged in to the product data.
The shopping cart displays the products, prices and quantities you have added while browsing through our virtual store. When full the order that you want to use the button 'Confirm' in the bottom of the shopping cart page.
If it has previously done a purchase page will ask your e-mail address and password; If it is the first time that companies will ask you also confirmation of this password.
If you had already bought above you will see the address stored in the database to perform the delivery of the order and you can modify it if you wish. If it is the first time that you buy, you must enter your identification and address details in the empty form.
All the information that you send to us will be stored on our secure server to guarantee the confidentiality and inviolability of their personal data.
After confirming the data, you will see a summary of your order; If you are satisfied with the contents of the shopping cart, select "Next".
Once the total amount of your order, you must choose between five alternatives of payment indicated on the next item.
Forms of payment:
You can order a transfer in favour of Solintel Northwest S.L., to one of these accounts:
BANCO POPULAR ES29 0238 8132 9006 0005 0293
ABANCA 2080 0201 9730 4001 7963 ES31
In the transfer, you must indicate the order number and your name. We will send your purchase when our Bank confirm income.
You can send a cheque to the following address:
Solintel Northwest, S.L.
C / 81 Merced, low
15009 a Coruña
Payment On Line leading in the world system.
Virtual POS
Customer ID:
If you have already made a purchase in our shop you can identify as a customer to buy. To do this, you must indicate the e-mail address and password with which previous purchase, and click the "Continue" button. Will be shown the form that stuffed last time; If you want to change the address can do so, will be saved for your next purchases.
If it is your first purchase you must check this option and cover in the form of your e-mail address, password and confirmation of the same data, press 'Continue' and provide details of your address. For future purchases, you must enter your email and password used to identify you as a customer in the first.
The necessary information to order are:
If you want to leave a comment about your order, delivery, invoice, etc., you can write it in the space designated for this purpose under the details of your purchase.
Shipment of your order:
Normally, shipments will be accomplished through the SEUR transport company. WEBMENAJE reserves the right of sending orders through the most appropriate transportation at all times.
Shipping costs are not included in the price of the items and shall be borne by the customer. These costs will be duly detailed to make your purchase. The shipping charges are automatically calculated according to destination and import.
SHIPMENTS TO THE ISLANDS CAN GENERATE ADDITIONAL COSTS THAT ARE PAYABLE BY THE CUSTOMER. If you have doubts about the amount of shipping in this case, please contact us to confirm exact price.
Products in stock, within the Peninsula, delivery time is between 2 and 6 working days from confirmation of the payment order. Delivery to Spain-Islands is between 5-10 working days.
In the event that products purchased should be requested to WEBMENAJE providers the computation of the term of delivery will start at the moment of receipt of the goods at our facilities. Customers will be informed if for delay in delivery of our suppliers an unusual delay in delivery times, and can choose to keep your order on hold, or cancel it.
If you want information about the deadline for the delivery of your order, can contact us by phone or through e-mail.
When the order is shipped you will receive an email confirmation.
The reception of the order is the responsibility of the customer. If an order is returned to us, we will contact the client by e-mail:
Once delivered the goods they can directly download bills accessing your registration on our website. If you want it send printed, please let us know.
Returns of orders:
And during the period of 15 calendar days from receipt of shipment the customer may return the item acquired if it has not been used, by contacting our customer service department. The product must be returned in its original packaging, including all components, manuals, or instructions for use and, where appropriate, receipt of delivery and warranty.
Once we have checked that the merchandise is in perfect condition, we will proceed with your refund. Ports, when return is not attributable to our company, shall be borne by the customer.
Secure payment:
WEBMENAJE only works with the most reliable means of payment, to ensure the security of transactions with our customers. All communications with sensitive data are secured through SSL certificate. Below we detail payment systems available to our shop online today.
VIRTUAL POS "ECSC". The virtual POS (ECSC) is a device prepared to work in secure mode within the sales operations through the Internet, i.e.:
To try to contact the card issuing bank to request authentication of the holder (identity verification) before requesting the corresponding request for authorisation. This ensures that only the genuine holder, card holder, will operate with it.
B.-implements SSL in all communications which prevent the interception of information by third parties. Therefore, confidentiality is assured in all communications to be established during the transaction.
C also enables mechanisms to test the authenticity of the origin of transactions and also preventing the manipulation of data by third parties. This ensures the integrity of the data of the transaction.
How does it work?
1 Commerce contact the Virtual POS and makes the transaction data: the amount, the currency, the call sign and name of the trade.
2. the Virtual POS request the card and expiration date to the customer.
3. the Virtual POS contact the financial institution that issued the card.
4. the CA requesting client authentication. Customer can prove their identity by a password, a phone call, etc. as you have agreed with your CA.
5. the Virtual POS requests authorization to the CA. It may happen in some cases that the issuer and the holder of the card still not have agreed any authentication method, so step 4 not always is, but from the point of view of WEBMENAJE, the transaction remains secure.
PAYPAL. PayPal is an internationally recognized on-line payment system.
PayPal protects your financial information with industry leading security and fraud prevention systems. When you use PayPal, financial information is never shared with the seller. Once completed the payment, is email you receipt of the transaction.
If your choice of payment in our shop is PayPal, follow these steps:
1 if you are already a registered user of PayPal: enter your login details. In the next step you can confirm the payment.
2. If you are not a user of PayPal: click on the link "Continue" located under the text "Do not you have a PayPal account?"
2.1 enter your billing information: choose your credit card and after filling in the requested information click on 'review order and continue'
2.2 check payment: at this time may revise the payment. Upon completion of this step click on "Pay now" to complete the transaction.
BANK TRANSFER. WEBMENAJE works with Banco Popular and Abanca to facilitate payments.
The bank transfer or payment on account is the preferred system for those who are still leery of online payment. Payment by bank transfer or deposit into account is, and will remain, the most secure system, but little by little you are relegating by its non-automaticity when buying: means a delay in the management of your purchase, which will not enter in the process of preparation until the payment has been confirmed.
The article requested by you will remain reserved for 7 days during which you can make the payment; for our part, we will carry out reviews of our accounts in search of the same. If you want to speed up the process, send us a copy of the proof of transfer or payment on account to
CASH ON DELIVERY. You can pay the order directly to the courier who delivered the package.
This single payment method is available for shipments to Spain-Peninsula, and has an additional charge of 2% of the total order, with a minimum of €3. Use this form of payment if for any reason you want to pay once have the order at his home.
High quality products
At WEBMENAJE we believe that the best guarantee is to offer a product that exceeds the expectations of our customers. This is achieved by working exclusively with leading brands in the sector of household goods.
We sell products aimed at the most demanding treatment. All items can be found in our shop meet the highest standards of quality.
Affordable price
Affordable prices are based on the idea of WEBMENAJE business. Within the wide range of products that are available on our website you will find the suitable to your budget, with a great value for money.
All our products provide direct warranty from the manufacturer, which in no case is less than two (2) years, as established in the current legislation.
Customer service
Our customer service department can help you in any questions or queries.